Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday's Progress and Monday's Needs

How often do you feel that physical and mental need to do something creative - in spite of the piles of laundry, the dirty dishes, and the weeds in the flower beds? That's how I'm feeling today. I'm home from work; the evening hours are limited, and we already have plans for dinner out and an errand. Still, I must find time to do something creative. It's one of those urges, and "yes," it's that bad!

So here's my challenge to myself for this week: do something creative every day and document the event.

The creative urge started creeping in yesterday, so today I submit a couple of pictures for Sunday's progress. I'm ashamed to say that this evening is the first time I've had my rug hooking outside during daylight hours. I can actually see the three shades of black in the border. Imagine that! And, I've discovered that my project is the perfect size to cover a flower pot some future cool and frosty eve.

Are you feeling that same creative pull that I'm feeling? If so, join me, and document your endeavors as well this week!

1 comment:

Kim B said...

This project is looking great! I think it's an urge you have to submit to :)